Friday, November 11, 2011

So You Thought Communism Was Dead, huh?

I have been noticing and researching an alarming trend happening in our country, and I am very afraid for America...  Land of the free and home of the brave...  Or is it?  I never thought I'd EVER have to question this in my lifetime, and about MY country.  I have to give the Arlington Tea Party a lot of the credit here, for bringing this issue to the forefront (for me).  Together, we are working to expose an agenda that is so evil to the core, and so COVERTLY being carried-out right under our "collectively-dumbed-down" noses!

About a year ago, I first started hearing about "Agenda 21". It was at one of my first Tea Party meetings here in Arlington.  Since then, I have been researching this issue to the point that I can't sleep at night very well, and I can't concentrate on my normal activities very well during the day.  It seems the more I learn about this, the more there is to know.  The deeper I dig, the more I realize that I'm still only scratching the surface.  What I know NOW, compared to what I knew a year ago, is very alarming. 

A year ago, I only thought that Agenda 21 was a “UN-backed plan to take over our property rights, and instill socialism in to America”.  Someone once described "Agenda 21” to me as “Socialism and Environmentalism on steroids”.  Catchy description.   As it turns out, THAT is just the "surface".  The real agenda is Communism.  "But Wait! Isn't Communism dead?", you ask?  Um...  Apparently not.  It never died.  The communists simply went underground, and went to work behind the scenes. They've had several decades of working in the shadows to do their worst.  They’ve done a lot of damage so far…  but you’d hardly notice their handy-work.  Their progress has been methodically and deliberately slow in taking hold.  So slow that if (they hope) you did  notice, you wouldn’t really care.  What is getting everyone's attention lately, is that they have quickened their pace.  Their window of opportunity to accomplish their end-game is slowly shrinking with every new "awakened" American that catches on!

A couple of weeks ago, one of our own Tea Party members, Rick Rose, posted a video of Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, addressing an audience in 1974, where he was quoting HIMSELF from 1958, where he describes in great detail the communist agenda he had just discovered. He methodically lists one by one, the plans and goals of the communistic "take-down" of our country from the inside-out.  The similarities of what is happening now verses what he spells out in 1958 are indeed uncanny.  The socialists and liberals (especially the media, like CNN) have gone out of their way to discredit the JBS, labeling them as a bunch of conspiracy theory nut-cases, and admittedly I’ve seen some of their other rantings… so the jury is still out on just how trustworthy they can be.  But no one seems to be able to explain how Mr Welch could be so “dead-on” so many DECADES ago.  Everything he said in that speech has come true today!  EVERYTHING!

Shortly after seeing the above video on the JBS and Mr Welch, I stumbled onto this youtube video:  "EXPOSING THE ENEMY".  This video connects a LOT of dots about what's happening today, regarding the growing agenda slowly but surely taking over every aspect of our lives, one EPA "regulation" at a time!  It's about an hour long...  It flew by for me.  I sat dumb-founded at first, as I watched just HOW this agenda was actually SUCCEEDING. Afterall, they've had all this time to entrench their plans in to every aspect of our local government, and at the state and national levels, too. The main focus of this documentary is aimed at the environmental movement, and the blatant over-reaching power of federal agencies (like the EPA), with the un-witting (and clueless) assistance of several other affiliated LOCAL (city & county) agencies and "non-governmental" councils, depending on the region.  Thankfully, the video ended with a strong message:  If we work to educate each other on their sinister plan, we can expose and STOP their progress, and hopefully REVERSE most of the damage they've caused...  There really is "power in numbers".  But it'll be VERY hard.  It will take a strong will, and moral conviction to fight this, but it IS DOABLE!  To bring this point home, there's a five-minute UPDATE to “Exposing the Enemy”

And finally... Last night, I attended a movie-watching gathering, sponsored by the Arlington Tea Party, and I must say, the movie (documentary) we saw had a profound effect on all those who watched. We had a full house. The movie is called "Agenda:  Grinding Down America".  You can purchase this video online, or I can lend you my copy!  Just ask me for it!

"Agenda:  Grinding Down America" spells it all out, and how the agenda has succeeded in “dumbing-down” an entire generation of our American population, as it focuses on our education system.  This dumbing-down manuever is by deliberate design.  It will make you VERY angry at our educational system.  Their master plan to take over our country begins with taking over our CHILDREN.  Sound familiar?  It's a classic Karl Marx strategy.  And Hitler really employed this strategy with the "Hilter youth" movement.  Remember them?  The Nazi's were actually able to indoctrinate the youth of Germany in the early 1930's/40's, to where these kids would eventually (and willingly) turn on (and turn IN) their own parents for any act of non-compliance!!  (aka the "brown shirts")  I keep asking if you "remember them"...  Once they (the communists) have indoctrinated our youth, and we all age at the same rate, if they succeed with this plan, there will be nobody left to REMEMBER the MISTAKES made by the numerous past and FAILED attempts to inject communism in to our society.  Think about that for a minute.  If you don't know your history, you are destined to repeat the mistakes from the past!  They WANT us to be as dumb as a flock of sheep!  The history books of TODAYS classrooms have been systematically re-written to reflect a warped view of America’s past, and the Founding Fathers of this great nation!  They are trying to erase the atrocities of communistic acts, such as the Holocaust, or the millions killed under Mao's rule in Red China, and also Lenin, and Stalin...  the list goes on.  Look up a book called "The Naked Communist", written by Cleon Skousen, in 1958.  Check out the "list of Communist goals".  There's 45 of them!  Some of the most striking are as follows:

7.  Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.   (That has happened.  They are a member.)

11.  Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.  (does the phrase "New World Order" ring a bell?)

15.  Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.  (They have succeeded with the Democratic Party, don't you think? Under the cloak of the American Socialist  Party, 70 members of the 111th Congress are identified as members.)

17.  Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

19.  Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.  (Days of Rage;  Occupy Wall Street, Occupy [Insert city name].)

20.  Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.  (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS... they basically controlled the Obama campaign, and still cover for him and the White House Administration today - DAILY.)

28.  Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."  (Definitely accomplished)

29.  Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.  (I've actually heard members of today's Congress say these very things about the Constitution!  Even Obama thinks the Constitution is "fundamentally flawed"!)

31.  Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

36.  Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.  (SEIU, Teamsters, Auto Workers Union, etc. etc...)

37.  Infiltrate and gain control of big business.   (GM? Banks?  Wall Street?  Hmmm...  Bail-outs anyone?)


AGAIN - These "communist goals" were developed before 1958!

The above-mentioned videos must be seen by each and every one of us!!!!  I can't stress this strongly enough.  Please.  For the sake of YOUR future, your children’s future, and the future of our freedom and American way of life, you need to take a few hours of your time, and really soak-in the message these videos bring. It will change the way you think about your world, and you will definitely lose your "comfort zone", but what good does that do, if it's what they WANT you to cling to?  You'll understand what I mean.  But PLEASE...  WAKE UP AMERICA!  We have one final chance to reverse course, here.  2012.  Let's not screw it up!  And we can start by eliminating our involvement with the United Nations!  Get them out of our SOVEREIGN country!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Special Election - Nov 8, 2011

Oct 18, 2011

This year, on November 8th, Texans will go to the polls for a special election to decide on TEN proposed amendments to our State Constitution.  Early voting is October 24th through November 4th.

(Link will open in a new browser window)  

I've found two THREE really good sources for an analysis of how these amendments should be understood.

The 1st site is from the "Texas Eagle". (CLICK HERE)

The 2nd site is from "Empower Texans".  (CLICK HERE)  

UPDATE: 3rd site is the League of Women Voters group, who has just published their in-depth analysis of the ten amendments.  This is an excellent overview including all of the pro's and con's of each proposed amendment.  (CLICK HERE)

CLICK HERE for a sample ballot.  Simply print it, and take it with you to the polls!

My personal opinion:  Most of these amendments have been authored by democrats.  I am always leery of any democrat-sponsored bill, and even more so, when they offer amendments to our state constitution!  Most of the democrat-sponsored amendments are nothing but spending increases or government over-reaching power grabs.  Shocker, huh?  Pay attention to the authors of these amendments!!!  I will be using the sample ballot, to help guide my decisions at the polls.  If you are also a conservative who favors spending CUTS, deficit reduction, and smaller government in general, then you should do the same.  I trust the source of both websites offering the analysis of these amendments.  

The one thing that troubles me the most is with Propositions 2 & 3, where they ATTEMPT to bypass the voters each year - That's you and me! They want to side-step public scrutiny of their spending habits.  NOT ON MY WATCH!!  The other thing that troubles me is in Proposition 4, where they want more power and authority for counties to grab land for re-development purposes.  This would be a nightmare scenario.  Look up "Agenda 21".  You'll understand!
